These projects, which involve the extension or complete modernisation of tramway lines and, in some cases, the construction of a depot and the purchase of rolling stock (trams and electric buses), were the subject of applications for European funding in the 2014-2020 programming period but their financing had to be reprogrammed due to the changes in costs and in the calendar of works intervened after the EC funding was approved. The EIB-JASPERS, which is working with the European Commission to analyse these projects, has asked TTK to assist it in analysing the new applications.
For each of the projects, the funding applications and feasibility studies were analysed and compared with previous versions, in order to identify changes and explain evolutions in the project's costs and characteristics. The analyses covered:
- the project's objectives and its compliance with European objectives,
- the assessment of demand,
- the analysis of strategic and technological options,
- the technical aspects of the project,
- the various cost items and their changes,
- economic and financial analyses,
- public procurement,
- the implementation schedule and risk assessment.
In particular, the cost trends were detailed in order to determine which part was due to inflation and which part depended on substantial changes to the project.
This work contributed to the preparation of a final written opinion on the projects, prepared by the EIB-JASPERS experts to support the European Commission for project approval.