
22. Jan 2025

What are the effects of solidarity pricing on the use of different mobility services?

The Métropole and the city of Nantes have introduced harmonized solidarity pricing for public transport season tickets, long-term bicycle hire, assistance with bicycle purchase and resident parking.
TTK and its partners, Test SA and Satis Conseil, have been commissioned to evaluate these solidarity-based pricing systems. The aim of this evaluation is to assess the impact of solidarity-based pricing on the use of these services, to identify and understand the problems associated to their use, and to improve/simplify their management.
The current evaluation will run for 5 months, until March 2025, and is based on a major survey of the people entitled to these fares (users or not) and on exchanges between the organizing authority, the instructor departments, the operators of mobility services and the associations representing the beneficiaries.
The aim of this evaluation is to gain a better understanding of the added value of pricing based on a household's family quotient, as opposed to pricing based solely on an individual's status, and also to better identify how the constraints on non-use of these pricing systems can be, if not eliminated, at least reduced.

Picture Source : website Nantes Metropole