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Feasibility studies

Optimisation of public transport services on the Münstertalbahn

Client: Regio-Verbund Gesell-schaft mbH (RVG)
End: 2003

The Region Freiburg has not only taken up action concerning the light Rail concept „Breisgau-S-Bahn 2005“ but also got involved in improving the whole of the regional railway services. Some routes are already completed and operated upon by the Breisgau-S-Bahn.
This study involved the development of a concept for the 11km long Münstertalbahn with higher frequencies, shorter running times, optimised distances between stops and improved connections to other services under a series of external constraints (such as compatibility to future infrastructure conditions).
The investigation pivoted around a custom made model to determine, analyse and compare the importance of the catchment areas in the different variants of the plan. This resulted in the acceptance of the recommendation to build two new stops.

The new concept for operation eliminated the need for parallel bus services and enabled a 30 minute frequency up to Staufen Süd, a great improvement compared to the results of previous feasibility studies.
From an economical point, the concept was approved as being very reasonable. This brought the city councils of Bad Krozingen, Staufen and Münstertal to a mutual agreement to implement the measures in the near future.

Download E-3340 Muenstertalbahn
Optimisation of public transport services on the Münstertalbahn

Feasibility of supply improvements including detailed cost accounting