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Mobility planning

Transport Development Plan Rouen

Client: CREA (Communauté d’Agglomération Rouen-Elbeuf-Austreberthe)
Partner: CODRA, Interface transport
End: 2013

By the end of 2007 the former urban municipality of greater Rouen (CAR) had launched a revision of their urban transport development plan. Only shortly later the municipality of greater Elbeuf et Boucles de Seine (CAEBS) had also initiated the development process for such a plan.

With the creation of the local municipalities association CREA on January 1st, 2010 these plans had to be rethought with a view to the changed territory covered. As a revision was not sufficient a very new transport development plan for the entire region had to be worked out at the same time taking into consideration all results of the former studies undertaken for ex-CAR and ex-CAEBS.

Within the framework of this new plan and with a view to the policy of developing Pubic Transport TTK was asked to define the main PT axes.
Based upon an analysis of the entire CREA area TTK worked out a number of scenarios for the development of an urban transport network, which were to address both the provision of transport services for all of CREA as well the integration of the new station left of the river into the PT network.
Moreover, TTK integrated topics such as intermodality (P+R, hierarchy of main and feeder lines in PT, …) as well as alternative transport models (car sharing,…). All action plans were proposed to political authorities for validation.

In the end the results were summarized in a final document «The transport Development Plan» which will serve as a basis for all consultation and decision processes (on the level of the various local authorities but also for public consultation).

Transport Development Plan Rouen

Elaboration of such an urban transport development plan for the local authorities association of Rouen-Elbeuf-Austreberthe (CREA)