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Research Programme Urban Transport

Client: Federal Ministry for Transport, Construction and Housing
Contractor: Institute for Ecological Economic Research (Institut für ökologische Wirtschaftsforschung (IÖW)); TTK
Start: 1998
End: 2001

The aim of this research activity of the Federal Ministry for Transport, Construction and Housing is to precisely estimate the interactions between potentials for urban development and transport projects, to estimate the dynamic effects for urban development caused by transport projects and finally to define possible design corridors for urban and transport planning.

Central issue of this research activity was – apart from an extensive theoretical work package (neoclassical spatial economic theory, new theorems in the urban development discussion, etc.) – the analysis and examination of empirical data relating to the following case studies: ICE-connection Kassel-Willhelms-höhe (trans-regional level), upgrading of the road- and public-transport system in four corridors in the Karlsruhe region (regional level) and extensive traffic calming in Berlin-Moabit (zonal level).

Some new insights may console now for the fact that the empirical verification of some interdependencies could not be proved in the way that was aimed for.

A number of recommendations could be derived from the results. 

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Research Programme Urban Transport

Distinction of the nature, direction and inten-sity of the interdependency between the po-tential for urban development and traffic routes and the description of possible design corridors for urban and transport planning